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Friday, October 3, 2008

My Shining Star!

So of coarse I have more pictures of Payton! I get people stopping to look and talk to her all the time. Oh! What a cute baby! Complements all the time. She is a bright star that attracts people. Even great big guys will stop and talk in baby talk to her. She has that effect on people. Jerry and I most certainly have a soft spot for her in our hearts. "The best blessing given to man is a child". Thank You God! For one of the most perfect creations on this earth. Our baby Payton Lynn. May she grow to be all that she can be. The stars are there for you to reach my baby!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

So we had everyone over for my moms birthday. It ended up a great party. We had a really good dinner. Gram cooked fried potatoes. Dad ordered a big cake to hold all moms candels. Happy birthday mom! Payton also ate her first bitter biscuit this last weekend. As you can see in the photos she enjoyed it. She is now learning to pick stuff up and put it in her mouth. Like dog food and cat food Thanks aunt Shanna! She crawls with a purpose. This baby is very determined.

Baby Talk

What your baby would tell you if he or she could talk:
I have my blankie, you have your caffeine. Enough said.
Don't be jealous, but I think I'm in love with the ceiling fan.
I know where the remote control is, but it'll cost you.
To you, it's just an empty egg carton; to me it's PlayStation 2.
Actually, I don't mind sitting in a bathtub that I've peed in.
Bang a screwdriver slowly and steadily into your gums. That's what teething feels like.
Two words I'd rather not hear from you: rectal thermometer.
There's no point in teaching me to say "mama" or "dada." My first word is going to be "hat."
I've told you five times what cow says. If you can't remember, I'm not telling you again.
There is no question that I can cry longer than you can listen.
I'm not just wildly throwing my food. I'm exploring the laws of gravity, estimating mass, and testing wind velocity.
If you wanted a good sleeper, you should have gotten a cat.
Who's that baby in the mirror you keep asking me about?
If my bottom is so darn cute, why is someone always trying to cover it up?
Who are you two to tell me how important it is to sleep alone?
What you secretly believe is true: I am much smarter than other babies.

Dress up at Aunt Mandys


Hi Mister Goat!


I pet a cow

Baby Cow

Baby Cow

I'm scared

I'm scared
Thats a big red cow

Go horsy go!!

Go horsy go!!
My first pony ride

We are high!!

We are high!!
Thats me and my dad on the right at the yellow slide

Day at the fair

I saw so many animals! Daddy and I pet pigs,goats,sheep and cows. He even took me for a pony ride. Mommy won me a great big bear just by popping ballons. And a little bear while playing wack a mole! We had a great day at the fair. Mom even fed me peach ice cream which of coarse I wanted it all to myself,but she would not let me have it. Daddy and I even went down the big yellow slide. Holy cow that was fast. So fast mom could'nt get our picture. I liked the fair. It wore me out so I slept alot too. But I still had fun!!


Jump Jump

Jump Jump
I love my new toy mom!!

Guess what I am thinking?

Guess what I am thinking?
I am very serious you know!!

At wendover

At wendover
Say cheese! Outside of our trailer!!

Toby up to no good!!

Toby up to no good!!
Toby was trying to get abu!! But I caught him

The Star of the Show

Peek a boo mom!!

Come on Ken!! Lets go party

Let me just pull your ear Frosty!!

Hi Grandma Abele!!

Hi Grandma Abele!!
Just let me chew on it!!

Awe Great Grandma Wright!

Awe Great Grandma Wright!
Your making me sleepy grandma